
Waiting (Live)

By |2018-01-24T22:31:40+00:00January 9th, 2018|DGRA, In The Margin, Memoirs, Music, Perseverance, prayer, Story|

It's one of the most meaningful things to me to be able to recollect and perform songs that I've performed for years, and this one is one of my favorites. It's rare to have recording of the song's intro also, so it was fun to catch it on tape, as well as having my wife take the lead with me. I hope you enjoy this little snapshot of my life and music. Waiting By Joel Bidderman Verse: This road is dusty And it’s getting to my eyes So that I can’t see where I’m going Or even the time But I’ll trust in You Though it feels hurtin’ to me And though I can’t see Verse [...]

Remembering to Remember: 2013 Retrospective

By |2018-01-16T15:28:36+00:00January 2nd, 2014|Perseverance, Stacking Stones|

Sometimes it's hard to see the forest for the trees, but every once in a while the 'waiting on the Lord' soars us up on eagle's wings and let's us see the forest for all it is. I need this sweater. Somehow this Arizona boy ended up in Minnesota. And I think the ultimate testimony of truly living in a cold place is that you watch the first 36 minutes of Star Wars Episode V as a how-to manual for your morning. (Well, it's testimony to the cold and to being a bit of a geek) As I venture out into the ice planet of Hoth that I live in, I make my way to my [...]

Perseverance, The Finale

By |2018-01-15T17:38:05+00:00August 31st, 2004|Memoirs, Perseverance|

Well, the infamous "They" say that: "All good things must come to an end." It is comforting that it's not just the good things that come to an end, but also all things (with some exceptions, of course). Now, I have no idea who exactly "they" are, but I think I've met them once. They were shorter than I had imagined. Regardless, the series on perseverance must conclude so that I can think deep thoughts about something else. I think an important thing in perseverance is having a goal. When enduring the hurricanes of life I think that it's hope (as I wrote in Part 3) that keeps me going. Without the horizon I don't believe [...]

Perseverance, Part 6

By |2014-08-18T22:35:03+00:00August 27th, 2004|Perseverance|

I like thinking about deep and meaningful things. In a sense of the word, I'd like to consider myself a contemplative. If I had the money, I'd buy an island and I would make it to be a community of contemplative thinkers. I'd call it "No Man," so that it would be physical reality to the truth that "No Man" is an Island. People would wander around thinking about the deep mysteries of life, and about God who is the greatest Mystery of all. The prayer before meals would start out as a blessing for the food, and would end up being a 2 hour intercession for the hungry. Food would get cold...but nobody would care [...]

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