
Of Oceans and Nalgene Bottles: Remembering to Remember Part 3

By |2014-09-02T00:49:07+00:00May 31st, 2005|Memoirs|

For all practical purposes I was going to try to remain in chronological order. Now I'm not...and I hope that that doesn't mean that I have ceased to be practical. For urgency's sake I'm going bust into realtime here briefly. Yesterday morning I woke up with the phrase, "God is an endless ocean" going through my head; which took me back to a time a couple of years ago. I was on a plane flight (Frontier Airlines), and I was sitting in the numb flight existence when I had a picture in my mind's eye of a man in an ocean. He was out there in this vast expanse of water and he was holding a [...]

Perseverance, The Finale

By |2018-01-15T17:38:05+00:00August 31st, 2004|Memoirs, Perseverance|

Well, the infamous "They" say that: "All good things must come to an end." It is comforting that it's not just the good things that come to an end, but also all things (with some exceptions, of course). Now, I have no idea who exactly "they" are, but I think I've met them once. They were shorter than I had imagined. Regardless, the series on perseverance must conclude so that I can think deep thoughts about something else. I think an important thing in perseverance is having a goal. When enduring the hurricanes of life I think that it's hope (as I wrote in Part 3) that keeps me going. Without the horizon I don't believe [...]

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