Jesus Christ

Melodies in the White Noise

By |2018-01-17T22:11:44+00:00December 18th, 2015|Christianity, Create, Incarnation, Jesus Christ|

  It's been awhile since I've posted anything, due to many factors: processing a lot for studies, working hard, letting life be life and social networking less, and learning how to Sabbath rest. Really, it just seems like through the jumble of the social and political climate in the world, what I write on my little blog doesn't matter much. It's like there's so much white noise, why should I add to it? In a world of tragedy, people get bent out of shape over coffee cups. But that's not the point. The point here is to create. The point is that though there is a lot of noise in the world, there is still melody. [...]

Ordinary Heroes: the glory of hiddenness

By |2015-01-12T00:59:08+00:00November 19th, 2014|discipleship, Jesus Christ, Jesus Shaped Community, The Dangerous Kind|

“I am a Christian, not because someone explained the nuts and bolts of Christianity, but because there were people willing to be nuts and bolts.” ― Rich Mullins This is the paradox [of discipleship]: accompanying the unveiling of Jesus there is a veiling of us in the same moment, and therein lays the real glory of transformation: the glory of hiddenness. - Graeme Sellers I've been thinking a lot about how the Christians who have shaped me the most significantly are not the ones who are outwardly polished, living an ideal 'untainted by the world.' Actually, in numerous accounts, I've found those to be the ones with great potential for damage, because they tend to project [...]

Being Dangerous

By |2014-08-29T14:37:06+00:00August 18th, 2012|Abandonment, Christianity, discipleship, Incarnation, Jesus Christ, Jesus Shaped Community, The Dangerous Kind|

Too long have followers of Jesus settled for religious compliance and inoffensive comportment. Too long have rank and file Christians delegated the dangerous life of following Jesus to the professionals, believing them best suited for the radical engagement with the world that Jesus models. Too long have we believed that the highest goal of Christianity is conforming people to good behavior, getting folks to follow the rules, making people nice. Now is the time to raise our danger quotient. Now is the time for us to move from bland church drones into followers of the living Christ who are potent for the purposes of God and a mortal threat to the enemy of our souls (Sellers, [...]

Good Friday

By |2014-08-18T22:34:43+00:00April 7th, 2012|Abandonment, Christianity, Jesus Christ, The Dangerous Kind|

Jesus didn’t go to the cross so we wouldn’t have to. He went to the cross so we could join him there. - Dallas WillardLast night we had some friends over to sit, have wine, have bread and talk about Jesus. Very informal. We had the movie The Gospel of John playing in the background, and during that time we talked about our favorite Jesus account. One thing turned to another in the conversation and somehow we ended up talking about suffering. It got me thinking, because as we talked I found that a distinction needs to be made in the way we think about suffering.On one hand there is the distortion of sanctification through suffering, that it [...]

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