
The Way of Humility

By |2021-09-02T17:52:55+00:00September 2nd, 2021|Christianity, discipleship, Jesus Christ, Kingdom of God, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Formation, theology, Worldview|

Humility. It all comes down to that. The Christian life (that is, following in the way of Jesus) is a way of humility. I know it may be hard to see that in a society that seems to rotate on an axis of power. Yes, even in the church. There is a refocus that is needed - a revival of Christ-centeredness. When our lives rotate on an axis of power, it is about pride and getting our way – regardless of what it takes. It’s very often about force, and even violence. It’s about having the last word, and about being right. It’s about being recognized and respected. An axis of power, which we see in [...]

What A Friend: a song for community

By |2019-06-13T15:11:07+00:00June 13th, 2019|Christian Music, Christianity, Jesus Shaped Community, Music, Worship, Worship Leading|

Over the years, I've heard songwriters and/or musicians say things to the effect of, "I wish I wrote that song." And actually, I'm sure I've said that at some point - but this one, I'm glad was penned by my friend Bruce. I remember when I first heard it. It was shortly after my wife and I walked through a tragic time in our lives. It was one of those times where it felt as if the world was crashing down, and nothing felt safe. Bruce and his wife Lois were trusted friends who walked through that time with us. We were left with many questions and very few answers, and through that messy time I [...]

Melodies in the White Noise

By |2018-01-17T22:11:44+00:00December 18th, 2015|Christianity, Create, Incarnation, Jesus Christ|

  It's been awhile since I've posted anything, due to many factors: processing a lot for studies, working hard, letting life be life and social networking less, and learning how to Sabbath rest. Really, it just seems like through the jumble of the social and political climate in the world, what I write on my little blog doesn't matter much. It's like there's so much white noise, why should I add to it? In a world of tragedy, people get bent out of shape over coffee cups. But that's not the point. The point here is to create. The point is that though there is a lot of noise in the world, there is still melody. [...]

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