A Prelude To Tomorrow

You Captivate: throughout the seasons

By |2020-04-13T02:17:25+00:00April 13th, 2020|A Prelude To Tomorrow|

Seasons. I've heard it, and used it, for years. "I'm just in 'a season of...'" and fill in the blank. It has become a part of the 'christian' sub-culture's language. But as I've walked, ran, trudged, and crawled through this journey called life, I have seen literal seasons of weather so extreme (from Arizona to Minnesota) that when I use the metaphor of seasons, I do it thoughtfully. I love nature, and I've used the imagery of nature in my music often. "You Captivate" is a simple song of seasons. Whether the extremes of life feel dry, like the arid, hot desert, or like the downpour of Georgia rain. Or whether it feels like the overwhelming [...]

In This Hour

By |2020-03-27T19:53:39+00:00March 27th, 2020|A Prelude To Tomorrow|

Prayer. It all comes down to prayer. I've noticed over the years that many of my songs are prayer songs. Maybe because music is the easiest way to express my emotions, and of all else, most of what I have to say is to God. In a world that tries to divide life into secular and sacred, I disagree with that temptation to divide, and agree with Wendell Berry, who said something to the affect of: "There is no secular and sacred, there is only sacred and de-sacred." And I think it is the poets who live in the place of inviting people to see over (or rather through) the walls of secular/sacred in our [...]

In The Storm: What Do You Say? [Audio]

By |2019-07-26T00:30:20+00:00July 26th, 2019|A Prelude To Tomorrow, Music, Prayers and Blessings, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Formation|

"Going through a storm doesn't mean that we're just waiting for it to go away, but as followers of Jesus, it is looking for Jesus in the storm. And saying, 'I think I see Jesus [on the water], and if that's Jesus, I would rather be with Him, out there in this mess, than in this boat relying on my own ingenuity and resources.' Even though we might be afraid and fearful, He is inviting us into a deeper experience of trust in Him." - my sermon, "This is My Story: In the Storm" For most of my songs, I can recall the moments when I wrote, scribbled, labored, or arm wrestled the lyrics and melodies [...]

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