Picking up the pieces
Sometimes there are tragedies that completely shake your life. Such has been the case with losing our boy. I’m finding that if the shaking is hard enough it will shatter your heart into a million pieces. Life then becomes a process of picking up those pieces and putting your heart back together. I am convinced that how you view God completely determines what kind of heart you will have once it is all over. Your perception of God is absolutely defining in those times. Who is God? An angry Grinch? A good Father or an unapproachable one? Knowing God’s attributes is crucial to putting your heart back together. The problem then, is that in trial our [...]
"Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point, which means at the point of highest reality." - C.S. Lewis Today was the hardest day of my life. I watched my wife give birth to our lifeless child today. I saw the bravest person I've ever known in the eyes of my best friend. Today we said hello and goodbye to our son in the same breath, for this side of Heaven. I fell in love all over again. With God and with my wife. I can't wait to see my boy again: on the other side, where we'll never have to say goodbye again. Thank you [...]
An artist and lover of God’s take on grief
I may not understand, But I will trust in you The billows of this wave Lead me back to You… As an artist with an overactive creative mind, these words popped into my head around 4:00 pm yesterday, along with a melody. I was driving from the reservation to the mountain hospital after receiving a call to come in. Marissa was feeling some strange cramping coming from our baby in her belly, and her doctor wanted her to go to the OB to get it checked out. My 30 minute drive was half an intercession meeting with God and half being sick out of my mind not knowing the full picture yet. We lost a child [...]