Thoughts & Stories2018-01-23T05:34:38+00:00

Minimalism: A Gift To The Word “Simplicity”

Trends & fads. Society sure does have a way of sifting and sucking the meaning out of words, until all that is left is a mere carcass of letters and sounds, just a shadow of its original meaning.  Love, justice, evangelical - the list doesn't stop there, but those are some significant ones that come up a lot in my work that make me have to stop and ask the question, "Wait, when they say that word, what exactly do they mean?" It seems like one of those words has been "simplicity." All things being relative, "simplicity" means different things for different [...]

By |February 18th, 2020|Categories: Minimalism, Simplicity, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Formation|Comments Off on Minimalism: A Gift To The Word “Simplicity”

The Peace of God [Audio]

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." John 14:27 "The peace of God is not about the mere absence of conflict, but rather about His abiding presence throughout whatever comes our way." December 8, 2019; Invitation to Peace Peace. It's a topic that I keep coming back to. It's like north on my heart's compass. I may get off-track. I do get off-track, but 'peace' - it keeps leading me back. I never understood why until my [...]

By |December 27th, 2019|Categories: discipleship, Kingdom of God, memories, prayer, Spiritual Formation, theology, Worldview|Comments Off on The Peace of God [Audio]

A Country Boy From Assisi, A Mountain Boy From Arizona

I remember when I was introduced to a person who has been revolutionary to my faith. Yes, obviously Jesus is the most revolutionary, but I am talking about somebody who inspired me to take a look at my life and ask, "How am I following Jesus? Really following Him." This person is St. Francis of Assisi. I remember being in a university choral class when we were given a piece to sing called "Servants of Peace" by James Quinn and K. Lee Scott, which was based on the Prayer of Peace which has been attributed to the Franciscan tradition (though it is unlikely that Francis [...]

By |October 4th, 2019|Categories: francis of assisi|Comments Off on A Country Boy From Assisi, A Mountain Boy From Arizona

Worshiping God When You Don’t Feel Like It [Audio]

Bless the Lord, O my soul,     and all that is within me,     bless His holy name! David (shepherd boy turned king), Psalm 103:1 One thing that has been a part of my spiritual and character formation has been worship. Yes, worship is a response to what God has done, but what happens when worship (or rather, creating the environment for worship to happen) is your job? Through the week to week routine of it all, as well as in the times where you are walking through personal battles or frustrations of your own, there is temptation to slip into autopilot, in a [...]

By |September 13th, 2019|Categories: Audio, discipleship, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Formation, Worship, Worship Leading|Comments Off on Worshiping God When You Don’t Feel Like It [Audio]

In The Storm: What Do You Say? [Audio]

"Going through a storm doesn't mean that we're just waiting for it to go away, but as followers of Jesus, it is looking for Jesus in the storm. And saying, 'I think I see Jesus [on the water], and if that's Jesus, I would rather be with Him, out there in this mess, than in this boat relying on my own ingenuity and resources.' Even though we might be afraid and fearful, He is inviting us into a deeper experience of trust in Him." - my sermon, "This is My Story: In the Storm" For most of my songs, I can recall [...]

By |July 26th, 2019|Categories: A Prelude To Tomorrow, Music, Prayers and Blessings, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Formation|Comments Off on In The Storm: What Do You Say? [Audio]

What A Friend: a song for community

Over the years, I've heard songwriters and/or musicians say things to the effect of, "I wish I wrote that song." And actually, I'm sure I've said that at some point - but this one, I'm glad was penned by my friend Bruce. I remember when I first heard it. It was shortly after my wife and I walked through a tragic time in our lives. It was one of those times where it felt as if the world was crashing down, and nothing felt safe. Bruce and his wife Lois were trusted friends who walked through that time with us. We were [...]

By |June 13th, 2019|Categories: Christian Music, Christianity, Jesus Shaped Community, Music, Worship, Worship Leading|Comments Off on What A Friend: a song for community
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