Today is a season finale. I’m probably not going to do anything crazy like dress up in a funky costume (however, I am wearing khakis instead of jeans today). When I walked outside today the sky was grey and overcast, which is quite OK with me because it also cooled things down. Other than that, nothing really extraordinary marked to day. It’s a season finale day though. It’s time. Now, don’t get worried, I’m going to continue blogging and imparting my brokenness, deep thoughts and dry humor to the masses; but I’m going to take what I have now, bind it into a book and make it available. I’m not doing this to make money, I’m doing it mostly for closure. Yesterday is a shadow. For me it’s my shadow…But it’s still a shadow.

C.S. Lewis wrote in his book “Till We Have Faces”,
“I ended my first book with the words no answer. I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer. You are yourself the answer. Before your face questions die away. What other answer would suffice?”

This is not the season finale because I have any objective answer to my wanderings. It’s a finale because all my other days have brought me to this minute. Broken moments, happy moments, stressed moments, victorious moments, defeat stricken moments, and mundane moments that I thought would never end, did end; right now. And those moments strung together through tears of good and bad have made me who I am. I don’t necessarily have nuggets of wisdom to offer, but I do have Jesus Christ. And that’s enough for me, all other things are shadows and will fade. He’s my answer and while it might not be an answer objectively to a particular topic, all other topics are vapor within the draw that this man, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, the Son of the Living God, the Bridegroom, the Lamb that was slain, the Eternal, has on my fleshy heart.

What does the trailer for the next season include? Hmm. Brokenness, joy, peace, answers, more questions, surprises, and hopes. I definitely will be going back to the Reservations that I ministered on. Maybe for a week, maybe for good, but I must go back (it’s the closure thing again). This new season will have a lot of new characters too, so I invite you to stay tuned as I chase after God…as He sweeps me away.

Be God’s,
Joel Bidderman