
The slow death of hurry

By |2018-01-16T15:20:41+00:00May 30th, 2015|Breathe, discipleship, memories, Minimalism, prayer, Rhythms, Simplicity|

I remember the morning, and mornings just like it. Early morning sunlight streamed in the window of the cabin, as the end of my bed started to warm from the first rays of sunlight. Sitting up on the edge of the bed, I hung my feet off the side, letting my feet feel the cool wood floor of the cabin. Shuffling my feet on the ground I made my way to the kitchen of the small cabin, where I put some coffee on, and I stared anxiously as the pot dripped enough for me to pour into a mug. I took my cup outside to the picnic bench in the front yard where I sat, prayed, [...]

Songs in the Night: I Need Thee Every Hour

By |2018-01-17T22:38:03+00:00November 28th, 2014|Music, prayer, Songs in the Night|

I said,“Let me remember my song in the night; let me meditate in my heart.” Then my spirit made a diligent search... I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds. -Psalm 77:6&11-12 "Songs in the Night" is a name/phrase that I've used over the years for worship in the night hours. The very first prayer/worship vigil that I ever led was called by that name, and it kind of stuck. I've been thinking about that again after leading worship at the Alliance of Renewal Churches' midwest gathering. We led a time of soaking worship in the Word, [...]


By |2018-01-17T23:48:11+00:00July 1st, 2014|Music, nature, Nomad Chronicles, prayer, trust|

  "The Kingdom of God is where we belong. It is home, and whether we realize it or not, I think we are all of us homesick for it." - Frederick Buechner This morning I'm sitting on the porch, with coffee, and thinking about home. Which is a little ironic since I'm in my house. But house doesn't equal home. And the worlds that we carry around with us are so much more than the green and blue rock we live on. Frederick Buechner said it this way, “You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, [...]

A Place to Be Human: Meditations on community part five

By |2014-08-18T22:34:43+00:00February 10th, 2012|Abandonment, Bonhoeffer, Christian Music, discipleship, Jesus Shaped Community, Manning, prayer, Safe Place, trust|

As a worship leader, I want to lead others in being authentic; because I believe that when we are authentic and real (with God and each other), our worship is authentic. I fully believe that our identity as Believers is tied up in and defined by Who God is and what He's done. At the same time, I believe that only when we are willing to come to God as humans in our sin and humanity, broken, needy, and honest, is there 'worship in spirit and truth' (John 4:23). There is the 'real truth' of God that needs to break through the false truths of how we define ourselves based on our shame and brokenness, or [...]

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