Forgiveness, silence, and getting out of prison…

2014-08-29T13:36:41+00:00By |Music, Uncategorized|

What if people didn't have to believe/think like us? (religion, politics, T.V. show preference, and other things) What if we didn't act as if it were our job to convert people to our way(s) of thinking? What if, instead, we focused more on trying to actively show the love and kindness of Christ to people who don't agree with us? Just thinking out loud here. Or quietly, while typing on my keyboard. Ok, so it's obvious that I'm getting to something, but am purposefully being all whimsically rhetorical about it. It just kind of seems that since Jesus taught us to pray, "forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors" (Matthew 6:12) it could be [...]