
Mountain Tops

By |2025-03-08T20:02:52+00:00March 8th, 2025|Home, Nomad Chronicles|

I’ve recently been listening to a series by the Bible Project in which they highlight that “in ancient Israel’s imagination, the mountain is where the heavenly realm in the skies meets the human realm on land. In this place, people can access God’s wisdom and power and his very presence.” It’s in this place where Heaven and earth meet, and in this narrative, we see how the presence of God comes down to dwell with people in the tabernacle in the Old Testament, then in the availability of the Holy Spirit through Christ's incarnation and resurrection. I highly recommend it, and it has been a suiting accompaniment in my hikes up literal mountains. It has been [...]

Home is Calling

By |2025-03-02T22:33:24+00:00March 2nd, 2025|Home, Nomad Chronicles|

Home again. A common denominator in my spiritual journey over the years has been the idea/identity of being a visitor, and in this metaphorical way of thinking, "home" is Heaven. I've quite literally been a bit of a nomad too, but we see this idea in Scripture woven all throughout its text. Scripture is written to an exilic people, strangers, and foreigners, and "home" is the place of union with God - back to Eden. But the idea of home has changed for me over the years. Back in 2008, I began a project - a trilogy, called “The Nomad Chronicles.” It was to be an opus of life - my dusty, unlikely journey of chasing [...]

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