
Good Friday

By |2014-08-18T22:34:43+00:00April 7th, 2012|Abandonment, Christianity, Jesus Christ, The Dangerous Kind|

Jesus didn’t go to the cross so we wouldn’t have to. He went to the cross so we could join him there. - Dallas WillardLast night we had some friends over to sit, have wine, have bread and talk about Jesus. Very informal. We had the movie The Gospel of John playing in the background, and during that time we talked about our favorite Jesus account. One thing turned to another in the conversation and somehow we ended up talking about suffering. It got me thinking, because as we talked I found that a distinction needs to be made in the way we think about suffering.On one hand there is the distortion of sanctification through suffering, that it [...]

A Place to Be Human: Meditations on community part five

By |2014-08-18T22:34:43+00:00February 10th, 2012|Abandonment, Bonhoeffer, Christian Music, discipleship, Jesus Shaped Community, Manning, prayer, Safe Place, trust|

As a worship leader, I want to lead others in being authentic; because I believe that when we are authentic and real (with God and each other), our worship is authentic. I fully believe that our identity as Believers is tied up in and defined by Who God is and what He's done. At the same time, I believe that only when we are willing to come to God as humans in our sin and humanity, broken, needy, and honest, is there 'worship in spirit and truth' (John 4:23). There is the 'real truth' of God that needs to break through the false truths of how we define ourselves based on our shame and brokenness, or [...]

Authentically living: Meditations on community part three

By |2014-08-18T22:34:43+00:00February 2nd, 2012|Abandonment, discipleship, Jesus Shaped Community|

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” - Jesus the Christ (John 13:34-35)It's no wonder, and is a beautiful fact, that Christianity is done in community. True, there are hermits, and those on the fringe who feel called to abandon themselves in the place of solitude and singularity of one-on-one communion with the Lord. However, I believe that is more the exception than the rule. Christianity, I believe, is meant to be lived out in community with one another because humanity is meant to be lived out with [...]

Definitive Prayer: Meditations on Community Part Two

By |2014-08-18T22:34:43+00:00February 2nd, 2012|Abandonment, Jesus Shaped Community, prayer, The Dangerous Kind|

Discipleship is crucial to the life of the Church/Christianity. But crucial to discipleship is a culture of prayer. I do believe that being a "house of prayer [for all nations]" is an underlying identity of the Church. My experience with the (primarily) program driven church in the U.S. is that true discipleship is rare. I mean we have Bible studies, small groups, and meetings, but intentionally coming together for learning how to do Jesus-stuff is often not done. I've even experienced outreach efforts without intercession for those who are intended to be reached. Now, my goal isn't to complain. My goal is to point out, encourage, maybe even confess :-) We must abandon to Christ if [...]

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