
In The Storm: What Do You Say? [Audio]

"Going through a storm doesn't mean that we're just waiting for it to go away, but as followers of Jesus, it is looking for Jesus in the storm. And saying, 'I think I see Jesus [on the water], and if that's Jesus, I would rather be with Him, out there in this mess, than in this boat relying on my own ingenuity and resources.' Even though we might be afraid and fearful, He is inviting us into a deeper experience of trust in Him." - my sermon, "This is My Story: In the Storm" For most of my songs, I can recall the moments when I wrote, scribbled, labored, or arm wrestled the lyrics and melodies [...]

What A Friend: a song for community

Over the years, I've heard songwriters and/or musicians say things to the effect of, "I wish I wrote that song." And actually, I'm sure I've said that at some point - but this one, I'm glad was penned by my friend Bruce. I remember when I first heard it. It was shortly after my wife and I walked through a tragic time in our lives. It was one of those times where it felt as if the world was crashing down, and nothing felt safe. Bruce and his wife Lois were trusted friends who walked through that time with us. We were left with many questions and very few answers, and through that messy time I [...]

Learning to know yourself: the Enneagram

I've hesitated to write anything about the Enneagram till now. I've benefited from it, as a Spiritual Director it comes up a lot, and now it seems to be a fixture in our culture. ...And that's the problem. In a land of in-depth behavior profiles the likes of Myers Briggs, Strengthsfinder, DiSC, and others - as well as stupid little personality quizzes found on social media, there is a narcissistic element to our society. Another thing is that these personality profiles are usually about 'measuring' behavior, which leads to behavior forecasting as well as copping out: i.e. "You're such an ENFP...Oh, I'm just an Eight...that's so Three of you...I'm a Connector, it's what I do," as [...]

By |2019-06-07T20:28:05+00:00June 7th, 2019|Spiritual Formation|

The Practice of Secrecy: Experiencing Joyful Hiddenness

Author Corrie Ten Boom, who experienced fame for her testimony of faith after World War II (which can be read about in her book The Hiding Place), was once asked how she remained humble through all the attention and fame. Her answer was, “When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday on the back of a donkey, and everyone was waving palm branches and throwing garments onto the road, and singing praises, do you think that for one moment it ever entered the head of that donkey that any of that was for him?” She continued, “If I can be the donkey on which Jesus Christ rides in his glory, I give him all the praise [...]

By |2019-05-17T04:14:41+00:00April 25th, 2019|Simplicity, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Formation|
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