
Serendipity, “the agreeable”

My truck sucks. I don't mean it in a derogatory "it's a peace of trash" kind of way. I mean it like a friend, playfully batting around a joking brash of a verbal noogy. I used to think of my truck as a female. Not just because it's temperamental (just kidding women), but because that's the manly thing to do. Pilots would name their planes after their woman interest back home, almost creating these women to be mythical creatures that every enlisted man dreamt of. Not so with my truck. My truck is definitely a guy. My truck is a close friend whose favorite thing to do is to play practical jokes on ME. It's like [...]

By |2014-08-18T22:35:02+00:00October 8th, 2004|Serendipity|

Serendipity, “the valuable”

Forest Gump hit it on the head. "Life is like a box of chocolates." Indeed it is, but maybe not for the reality that "You never know what you're going to get" but rather because---you never know when it's going to make you sick. You can just be chowing down on a delectable cream-filled, chocolate wonder that comes in a box one minute and in the next be holding your stomach in agony. As grim as it is, the "never knowing" means the bad has as much of a chance as coming your way as the good. Life can be tough, but it is THE VALUABLE because you can't tie a price tag onto it. It's [...]

By |2014-08-18T22:35:02+00:00September 28th, 2004|Serendipity|

Serendipity, “the phenomenon”

We live in a violent world. People kill each other. Parents kill children, "friends" backstab, very often the race in the job market means people stepping on other people to somehow get to the top, and some people die of hunger while others feed their faces. The world is cold in its perversion. Seriously, it makes me sick. There is only so much I can handle, but what is worse, I have a habit of being as humanly flawed as the next human. But there is serendipity, a surprise, and it is nothing short of a miracle. It's the phone call from an old friend. It's someone seeing your gifts on a hard day when you [...]

By |2014-08-18T22:35:02+00:00September 22nd, 2004|Serendipity|

Serendipity, “the faculty”

The Sovereignty of God: Something deeper than the unfathomable depths of the places you've never thought of. You know, sometimes you just have to give up. Right now I feel like I have to give up on this subject. Not because it's hopeless, but because it's too big. I could go on to talk about how God created the ocean, Grand Canyon, or a daffodil. And you might say, "Oh, that's nice," not quite impressed that it is more exciting than watching llamas at the zoo. It always seems that we sell God short. Short, that is, to each other, the people at work, at home, or the people that we see on Sunday mornings when [...]

By |2014-08-18T22:35:02+00:00September 14th, 2004|Serendipity|
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