
Interlude (A Christmas Night)

Lately, my Christmases have been odd. Not "Christmas Carol"-being-visited-by-ghosts-"odd," but oddly twisted in such a way that it's just not like when I was a kid. Last Christmas I was driving home after visiting my parents, when a little less than half way home my transmission went out. So last December 25th I spent Christmas night sleeping in the cab of my truck at a gas station in Globe, Arizona. Then, this year I flew out to my girlfriend's graduation (of her Masters Degree) and then flew back on the 23rd. Well, when I got my bag from baggage claim it had been opened. When I looked in it I found out that TSA went through [...]

By |2014-08-25T23:49:09+00:00December 26th, 2004|Uncategorized|

Unlikely Heroes III

For about 8 months I had a homeless guy living in my yard, his name was Purple. I think I have a heart for the poor. That was challenged when a friend told me about Purple, and asked if I'd open up my yard to him. I said, "OK," and After a few weeks Purple came to my door with his long knotted grey hair and beard. Introducing himself, we looked around the yard for where he could pitch his tent. Buried back in the pines we found a spot, and Purple and his dog (Bear) soon became landmates. When Purple first approached me he said that he wouldn't be staying long because the end of [...]

By |2014-08-18T22:35:01+00:00December 22nd, 2004|Uncategorized|

Unlikely Heroes II

I think the comedy of the Gospel is that God uses the least likely people to do unlikely things. The world may look at compassion, mercy, and selflessness as a weak thing, but it’s interesting that when God sees those things He sees leadership material. We see this humungous contrast (especially at this time of year) that God uses the weak things of the world to show up the strong, and the foolish things to shame the smart. So the hand that created the universe positioned Himself for His greatest display. A long, long time ago, on a certain night in a village far, far away, a brisk cry of a baby came from a barn. [...]

By |2014-08-18T22:35:01+00:00December 15th, 2004|Uncategorized|

Unlikely Heroes

I got together with a friend of mine the other day for Coffee. Ben, Praying Mantis, is a laid-back guy. In his early thirties, Ben often reminds me a little like a kid. Not in the immature kind of way, I think it's in his outlook on life. He has a great family too, 3 kids, and a cool wife. A few things that always stick out in my mind when I'm with Ben are that (1) he's a dreamer, (2) he likes to work towards those dreams and see what God does with them, and (3) he's honest. Sitting outside of Starbucks on Thursday afternoon, our conversation turned to the topic of being used by [...]

By |2014-08-18T22:35:01+00:00December 12th, 2004|Uncategorized|
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