
Remembering how to remember: Part 1

Recently I've started to read a book by my favorite author Frederick Buechner. The book is called "A Room Called Remember," and is introduced and themed around a dream that Buechner had. In a nutshell (that is"summed up," his actual dream did not take place in a nutshell) his dream plotted that he was staying in an incredibly euphoric hotel room but when he left it he found that he couldn't find it again. He went to a front desk and explain his predicament and the room, and the person at the front desk knew exactly the room he was speaking of, and he told Frederick that all he had to do was to ask for [...]

By |2014-09-02T00:46:59+00:00May 25th, 2005|Uncategorized|

Of Cisterns and Other Leaky Things…

I'm in a transition. Actually, I've been in a transition for about 28 years. People always talk about "transitions," and as if it's a bad thing, it's something that they continually try to "get over." Well, Job, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Paul, Elijah, Jeremiah...seemed to always be in transition, but it wasn't called "transition." Reading their words, it seems like it could better be called "life." Lately, I've come to the startling realization that I'm Messed Up. I've been praying for more of God for about 10 years now, and now the only satisfaction I get is when I'm praying, or worshipping. Any and all "kingdoms" that I've built for myself lately have proven rubbish, all [...]

By |2014-08-26T00:14:56+00:00April 25th, 2005|Uncategorized|

Forever Running Home: Part II

Tonight I sat outside to look at the moon. I miss the moon. It's been awhile since I've taken a deep drink of it. Gazing at it through the crooked limbs of a gigantic tree in the backyard, I just sat silently soaking in the cool Georgia night. The limbs of the tree I was looking through twisted and turned, every so often presenting leaves to mesh the sky that I was peering at as best I could. The tree in my cousin's backyard is condemned, and while I have no idea what makes a tree condemned, it's a shame because it is phenomenal in its organic majesty. Not the kind of majesty like a king, [...]

By |2014-08-26T00:03:41+00:00April 20th, 2005|Uncategorized|

Psalm 113

Praise the LORD . Praise ~ Halal (Hebrew) : to shine; hence to make a show; to boast; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish; to rave; causatively to celebrate. "Praise." There's a certain train of mind, thinking that when we come before the Creator of the Universe corporately we must tame ourselves. We must present ourselves as dignified. And for some it's not God who they imagine they must appear dignant, but rather their neighbor in the room with them. Praise is to the contrary. The maker of us knows our innermost being down to the deepest flaw, weakness, and spiritual pimple. He knows well the extent of our fallen nature. Sometimes it's so easy to [...]

By |2014-08-26T00:01:18+00:00March 31st, 2005|Uncategorized|
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