
Memory Residue Season 1 Finale

Today is a season finale. I'm probably not going to do anything crazy like dress up in a funky costume (however, I am wearing khakis instead of jeans today). When I walked outside today the sky was grey and overcast, which is quite OK with me because it also cooled things down. Other than that, nothing really extraordinary marked to day. It's a season finale day though. It's time. Now, don't get worried, I'm going to continue blogging and imparting my brokenness, deep thoughts and dry humor to the masses; but I'm going to take what I have now, bind it into a book and make it available. I'm not doing this to make money, I'm [...]

By |2014-08-18T22:34:59+00:00June 28th, 2005|Uncategorized|

Navajo Sunset: Remembering to Remember Part 8

The cold nipped at my nose and lips as I peaked my head out of my sleeping bag. I laid there for a good 10 minutes watching my breath form from the chilled morning air. Unzipping my bag I slipped into my 2nd day jeans and went out to the port-a-potty outside. As I stepped out of the trailer the sun was fighting its way over the mesas as a fog formed over the valley, partly from the rapidly changing morning climate, and the other part from the wood stoves that were already burning hot all over the valley. The sporadic sounds of sheep and goats blended with the sheep dogs in my groggy state as [...]

By |2014-09-02T01:11:09+00:00June 27th, 2005|Memoirs|

Hope: Remembering to Remember Part 7

You never know when things are going to set off a defining moment in your life. They just sneak up on you, or upon you. It's like a building up of little moments, then out of the blue (or the grey); everything compiles to break open on you. Sometimes it creates tears, joy, agony, or all three.I remember when I met Hope. Recently I had met two other people: one named "Faith," and one named "Charity." Doing the scriptural math, I realized that I was one person away from meeting a triad of faith, hope and love. So my attention was grabbed when we were on the Apache Reservation one summer afternoon, and a young, beautiful [...]

By |2014-08-18T22:34:59+00:00June 22nd, 2005|Uncategorized|

Of Waking Up: Remembering to Remember Part 6

Black Don't touch your forehead! Black The blur of numbness kicks in. Figures above me, one of which looks a little familar. The familiar one looked like my mother, the others I suppose were doctors. The one to my left asked, "What's your name?" "Joel Bidderman," I said. I thought it a little odd at first, since he could have just asked my mom because she was standing right there. Then he asked, "What day is it?" I said, "October 29th." To that he said something like, "Actually, it's the 30th; it's 12:45 in the morning." Great, of all the doctors I got the sarcastic one. But apparently up until then I had been saying all [...]

By |2014-08-26T00:27:58+00:00June 20th, 2005|Uncategorized|
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