
Hurled Into the Sovereignty of God

Inch by inch. Minute by minute. Day by day. It's odd how things echo for lifetimes that are set into motion by little moments throughout one's life. Though those moments don't last they are sometimes immortalized, immortalized for a lifetime if not for a history of a town, country, generation, or a running stretch of humanity. But the reverberations of a moment in our lives have a tendency to trickle down the brain to our hearts, gathering there the collection of joys, sorrows, and phenomenal ordinarity. Moments aren’t all fleeting though. We have the opportunity for moment to kiss eternity, echoing not a fleeting pebble in a pond, making dinky little rings pushing merely a few [...]

By |2014-08-26T00:54:31+00:00January 13th, 2006|Uncategorized|

The Last Battle…Psalm 63: Part 7

They who seek my life will be destroyed; they will go down to the depths of the earth. They will be given over to the sword and become food for jackals. But the king will rejoice in God; all who swear by God's name will praise him, while the mouths of liars will be silenced. Psalm 63:9-10 Rain. It is raining today like crazy. Literally like crazy. It's as if God's created wonder has cocked its head back in a nasty temper today. As cars weave in and out of Atlanta traffic the sneers of windshield wipers brush back and forth as they seem to agitate the blurring traffic lights and four wheeled steeds jousting each [...]

By |2014-08-26T00:52:56+00:00January 3rd, 2006|Uncategorized|

Nocturnal Love: Psalm 63…Part 6

"On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me." Psalm 63:6-8 I think the most life changing moments of what little time I've spent on earth are the ones that I spent staring into the dark. The mysterious unkown creaks inside my head, breathing fear the way a race horse gasps for air at full gallop. The times of crying out to the Light through the dark are the times that the Mystery to end all mysteries stomps out the fear, shame and anxiety of the [...]

By |2014-08-26T00:51:27+00:00November 7th, 2005|Uncategorized|

Satisfied Song…Psalm 63: Part 5

"My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you." Psalm 63:5 Utter satisfaction lies in the all sufficiency of the prevenient Grace of God. He satisfies with (not bare minimum, but) the very best of the depths of knowledge and provision. The sovereign hand of all authority and power can and will sustain the soul thirsty for Him. The heart beat of romance sings, "How priceless is Your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of Your wings. They feast on the abundance of Your house; You give them drink from You river of delights. For with You is the [...]

By |2014-08-26T00:50:12+00:00October 27th, 2005|Uncategorized|
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