Contemplative adventures in turning 33

God became man to turn creatures into sons: not simply to produce better men of the old kind but to produce a new kind of man. C.S. Lewis   The mystery of Christ, that He sunk Himself into our flesh, is beyond all human understanding. Martin Luther I am obsessed by the Incarnation of Christ. Literally, I am often in my car, on a walk, or praying and will be struck by the amazing reality that God took on flesh. A chorus that I use to sing at the International House of Prayer in Atlanta during devotional sets would go: “The Word took on flesh and bone, the Father and the Son are one, worthy is the Lamb [...]

2014-08-26T03:03:02+00:00By |Uncategorized|


Waiting (aka: the lesson that we keep learning until we 'get it', then we spend the rest of our lives 'perfecting' it) is an anchor that God uses to shape us like no other. An anchor, because it will either make you stand strong...or it will make you sink. [insert wink] I was recently at a leadership class, and as a group we all were to write down an influential instance in our life that play a role in the spiritual, experiential, relational, or instructional process that developed a quality in our lives. After thinking for a while, I felt like God revealed to me that the periods of waiting (spiritual wilderness, unanswered prayers, etc) have [...]

2014-08-26T03:01:22+00:00By |Waiting|

Thoughts on Community

"Father, forgive me the bread I've stolen from my brother." ~ St. Vincent de Paul"Make me an instrument of Your peace." ~ Prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi"Christianity means community through Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ. No Christian community is more or less than this." ~ Dietrich BonhoefferI had a hard night sleeping last night. I just did. It used to happen to me all the time in my early twenties. The pattern usually goes: I wake up at some ridiculously early hour, my mind becomes abuzz with all sorts of profound or absolutely unprofound things, then after laying there for over an hour I decide to get up and pray. How close to [...]

2014-08-18T22:34:46+00:00By |Jesus Shaped Community|

If You Want Me To: A Prophetic, Retrospective Celebration

Let’s be honest. It has been the hardest year of our entire lives. I’m not even exaggerating. On top of the regular ups and downs of mission work, intervening in some lives of teens we work with, financially living by faith, we also lost our son Elijah, and the past months have not been without their trouble. Along the journey of asking “why” (a question that God’s been getting most of Earth’s history), I’ve found myself (numerous times) trying to remind God that we’re His friends. We don’t feel that God is the causation of our pain, but like anyone who goes through pain, the reality is that the Almighty, sovereign, Creator of the Universe allowed [...]

2014-08-26T01:48:47+00:00By |Uncategorized|
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