Life together: telling it like it is

As I was finishing up my sociology degree, I started to compile a number of books that I wanted to read as 'fun.' However, most of the books that I compiled were books that I've read before. One of these dusty collections of awe-inspiring devotion to Christ were the works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I have, time and time again, read The Cost of Discipleship, but this time around with new passion to understand him from the stance of his significance to society (including the society of the Church), I began to delve into his thought starting with his work on community: Life Together (1954). As I slowly gnawed on this five chapter work, I started to [...]

2014-08-26T03:07:21+00:00By |Bonhoeffer, Jesus Shaped Community|

Storms and kicking at the darkness until it bleeds daylight: a meditation on victorious suffering

We are treasured, and our message is that the poor, weak, and marginalized are treasured in the heart of God.In sensationalistic western Christianity we often undervalue the grit of victorious living (as opposed to the glamour). I realize that that statement butts against idealistic prosperity Gospel, but at the same time is not intended to fuel poverty mentality. The reality is that we are persecuted, but not abandoned. We are struck down but not destroyed. The dangerous kind of Christian is, as my friend Graeme the Buechner-esque ragamuffin put it, “someone who is potent for the purposes of God – being that they are those who will not settle for anything less than the ministry of [...]

2014-08-18T22:34:45+00:00By |Abandonment, The Dangerous Kind|

Zeal and Love Taking Hold

Lukewarmness is stated to be the object of God's disgust and aversion; zeal and love, on the other hand, are the objects of His favor and delight. The taking away of the heart of stone, and the implanting of a warmer and more tender nature in its stead is specifically promised as the effect of His returning favor and the work of His renewing grace. - William WiberforceReference:Wilberforce, W. (2007). Wilberforce: Greatest works. Orlando, FL: Bridge-Logos.

2014-08-18T22:34:46+00:00By |Uncategorized|

Fanning into flame…

In addition to my studies, I have been working on some writings. They are the types of thoughts that need to be released together. So while these thoughts incubate, and as I finish my Sociology degree (graduating in December), perhaps the best thing to do is to just post the words (some ancient, some modern-ish) that have stirred my passion for God and His mercy of moving in our world.Christianity without the living Christ is inevitably Christianity without discipleship, and Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ. It remains an abstract idea, a myth which has a place for the Fatherhood of God, but omits Christ as the living Son. And a Christianity of that [...]

2014-08-18T22:34:46+00:00By |Uncategorized|
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