Retreat Hiking

Over the years, I've found that I'm prone to contemplate, and I've also learned that some people are not naturally introspectively oriented. Usually, major experiences (death of a loved one, major transition, etc.) may lead us to soul search - but I do think that quiet, introspection, and contemplation on who God is, what He has done, and what He is doing, is a very important part of our spiritual health. Sometimes it comes more naturally than other times, but it is a discipline as well as something I enjoy doing. Just because I enjoy doing it doesn't mean that I'm always in the mood to do it. It takes intentionality. Yesterday, I decided to head out [...]

2014-08-28T14:03:24+00:00By |discipleship, Home of Prayer, Simplicity|

Rest: The Missional Introvert Part Two

As I've been thinking about being Missional. I've thought more about what that means for me as an introvert. Susan Cain did a great TED talk on "The Power of Introverts" I think one of the biggest things that I need to keep in check is my rest. Not just alone time, but figuring out my rhythms for re-energizing the ways that I re-energize, as well as how I abide (abiding is related but separate, and I've been thinking about that lately too...). Now, everyone "re-energizes" differently, but for our health as humans (extrovert and introvert alike), it is essential to have downtime - quiet. Yes, while it looks different on the scale of introversion and [...]

2018-01-16T15:27:31+00:00By |discipleship, Missional Community|

Remembering to Remember: 2013 Retrospective

Sometimes it's hard to see the forest for the trees, but every once in a while the 'waiting on the Lord' soars us up on eagle's wings and let's us see the forest for all it is. I need this sweater. Somehow this Arizona boy ended up in Minnesota. And I think the ultimate testimony of truly living in a cold place is that you watch the first 36 minutes of Star Wars Episode V as a how-to manual for your morning. (Well, it's testimony to the cold and to being a bit of a geek) As I venture out into the ice planet of Hoth that I live in, I make my way to my [...]

2018-01-16T15:28:36+00:00By |Perseverance, Stacking Stones|

The Missional Introvert: Part One

My wife and I have decided that we want to lead our family as a family on mission. That means that "extended family" is being built around our family's mission, and that also means discipleship is taking place and discipleship takes access to and opening one’s life. Being available. Here's the thing though: I am an introvert. It’s not an excuse; it’s just the truth of the matter. As much as I love people, they tire me out. I need down time. Like, literally, all-by-myself-time: to contemplate, to read, and sometimes to watch movies which makes fodder for future conversations. Whatever it is, that balance must be maintained if I’m going to function well. The interesting [...]

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